吴文武 生物信息学博士、三级教授、博士生导师。主要结合计算机科学、基因组学、进化分子生物学、生态学等多学科的技术手段,研究不同植物类群在相似生境下的趋同或平行进化(我更喜欢使用“进化”二字,虽然不如“演化”精准,但其更富有情感和动力)。近年来,以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Mol Bio Evol, Cell Rep, Plant Cell, New Phytol,Plant Commun (2022, 2023), J Integr Plant Biol, J Adv Res,Plant J等期刊发表论文十余篇。
2017/01—至今 浙江农林大学 教授
2014/11—2016/05 中科院上海植物逆境研究中心副研
2012/10—2014/10 中科院上海生科院营养所博士后
2010/10—2011/09 中科院北京植物研究所联合培养
2007/09—2012/09 西北农林科技大学博士
1.Deng D, Guo Y, Guo L, Li C, Nie Y, Wang S, andWu W*. (2024). Functional divergence in orthologous transcription factors: insights from AtCBF2/3/1 and OsDREB1C. Mol Biol Evol 41, msae089.
2.Du Y, Cao L, Wang S, Guo L, Tan L, Liu H, Feng Y*, andWu W*. (2024). Differences in alternative splicing and their potential underlying factors between animals and plants. J Adv Res 64, 83-98.
3.Guo L, Wang S, Jiao X, Ye X, Deng D, Liu H, Li Y*, Van de Peer Y*, andWu W*. (2024). Convergent and/or parallel evolution of RNA-binding proteins in angiosperms after polyploidization. New Phytol 242, 1377-1393.
4.Wu W*†, Guo L†, Yin L, Cai B, Li J, Li X, Yang J, Zhou H, Tao Z*, and Li Y*. (2024). Genomic convergence in terrestrial root plants through tandem duplication in response to soil microbial pressures. Cell Rep43, 114961.
5.Wang S, Shen Y, Deng D, Guo L, Zhang Y, Nie Y, Du Y, Zhao X, Ye X, Huang J, Huang H*, Zhu J-K*, andWu W*. Orthogroup and phylotranscriptomic analyses identify transcription factors involved in plant cold response: a case study ofArabidopsis BBX29. Plant Commun 2023. 100684.
6.Guo L, Xu Z, Wang S, Nie Y, Ye X, Jin X*, Zhu J*, andWu W*. Integrative multi-omics analysis of three early diverged rosid species reveals an ancient hierarchical cold-responsive regulatory network. Physiol Plant. 2023. 175(2):e13892
7.Wang S, Zhang Y, Ye X, Shen Y, Liu H, Zhao X, Guo L, Cao L, Du Y, andWu W*. A phylotranscriptomic dataset of angiosperm species under cold stress. Sci Data 2023. 10, 399.
8.Guo L, Wang S, Nie Y, Shen Y, Ye X,Wu W*. Convergent evolution of AP2/ERF III and IX subfamilies recurrently through polyploidization and tandem duplication in eudicot adaptation to paleoenvironmental changes. Plant Commun. 2022. 3(6):100420.
9.Nie Y, Guo L, Cui F, Shen Y, Ye X, Deng D, Wang S*, Zhu J*,Wu W*. Innovations and Stepwise Evolution of CBFs/DREB1s and Their Regulatory Networks in Angiosperms. J Integr Plant Biol 2022. 64(11):2111-2125.
10.Ye X, Wang S, Zhao X, Gao N, Wang Y, Yang Y, Wu E, Jiang C, Cheng Y,Wu W*, Liu S*. Role of lncRNAs in cis- and trans-regulatory responses to salt inPopulus trichocarpa. Plant Journal 2022.110(4): 978-993.
11.Cui F†, Li X†,Wu W†, Luo W, Wu Y, Brosche M, Overmyer K. Ectopic expression of BOTRYTIS SUSCEPTIBLE1 reveals its function as a positive regulator of wound-induced cell death and plant susceptibility to Botrytis. Plant Cell 2022. 10(34): 4105-4116
12.Wang S, Shen Y, Guo L, Tan L, Ye X, Yang Y, Zhao X, Nie Y, Deng D, Liu S*,Wu W*. Innovation and Emerging Roles ofPopulus trichocarpa TEOSINTE BRANCHED1/CYCLOIDEA/PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR Transcription Factors in Abiotic Stresses by Whole-Genome Duplication. Front Plant Sci 2022, 13: 850064.
13.Ye X, Zhao X, Sun Y, Zhang M, Feng S, Zhou A,Wu W*, Ma S*, Liu S*. The underlying molecular conservation and diversification of dioecious flower and leaf buds provide insights into the development, dormancy breaking, flowering, and sex association of willows. Plant Physiol Biochem 2021, 167: 651-664.
14.Zhao X, Tan L, Wang S, Shen Y, Guo L, Ye X, Liu S, Feng Y*,Wu W*. The SR Splicing Factors: Providing Perspectives on Their Evolution, Expression, Alternative Splicing, and Function in Populus trichocarpa. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22(21): 11369.
1.Zhang C, Shen L, Yuan W, Liu Y, Guo R, Luo Y, Zhan Z, Xie Z, Wu G,Wu W*, Feng Y*. Loss of SRSF2 triggers hepatic progenitor cell activation and tumor development in mice.Commun Biol 2020, 3(1): 210.
2.杨艳梅,赵喜娟,聂语琪,柳参奎,吴文武*.草本拟南芥和木本毛果杨在冷胁迫下的研究进展.分子植物育种 2020, 18(17): 5755-5764.
3.Wu W*†, Zong J†, Wei N, Cheng J, Zhou X, Cheng Y, Chen D, Guo Q, Zhang B, Feng Y*. CASH: a constructing comprehensive splice site method for detecting alternative splicing events.Brief Bioinform 2018, 19(5): 905-917.
4.He L†,Wu W†, Zinta G, Yang L, Wang D, Liu R, Zhang H, Zheng Z, Huang H, Zhang Q, Zhu JK. A naturally occurring epiallele associates with leaf senescence and local climate adaptation inArabidopsis accessions.Nat Commun 2018, 9(1): 460.
5.Luo C, Cheng Y, Liu Y, Chen L, Liu L, Wei N, Xie Z,Wu W*, Feng Y*. SRSF2 regulates alternative splicing to drive hepatocellular carcinoma development.Cancer Res 2017, 77(5): 1168-1178.
6.Cheng J†, Xu Z†,Wu W†, Zhao L, Li X, Liu Y, Tao S. Training set selection for the prediction of essential genes.PLoS One 2014, 9(1): e86805.
7.Zhou X†,Wu W†, Li H, Cheng Y, Wei N, Zong J, Feng X, Xie Z, Chen D, Manley JL, Wang H, Feng Y. Transcriptome analysis of alternative splicing events regulated by SRSF10 reveals position-dependent splicing modulation.Nucleic Acids Res 2014, 42(6): 4019-4030.
8.Cheng J,Wu W†, Zhang Y, Li X, Jiang X, Wei G, Tao S. A new computational strategy for predicting essential genes.BMC Genomics 2013, 14: 910.
9.Wu W, Huang X, Cheng J, Li Z, de Folter S, Huang Z, Jiang X, Pang H, Tao S. Conservation and Evolution in and among SRF- and MEF2-Type MADS Domains and Their Binding Sites.Mol Biol Evol 2011, 28(1): 501-511.
10.Wu W, de Folter S, Shen X, Zhang W, Tao S. Vertebrate Paralogous MEF2 Genes: Origin, Conservation, and Evolution.PLoS One 2011, 6(3): e17334.
11.Wu W, Shen X, Tao S. Characteristics of the CArG-SRF binding context in mammalian genomes.Mamm Genome 2010, 21(1): 104-113.
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