2025.02-至今 浙江农林大学讲师
1.Xu S.L.#, He X.#, Trinh D.C., Zhang X.Y., Wu X.J., Qiu D.J., Zhou M., Xiang D., Roader H.K.A., Hamant O., Hong L.L. (2024) A 3-component module maintains sepal flatness in Arabidopsis.Current Biology.34:1-14.
2.Xu S.L., Hong L.L. (2021) Navigating flower development with a new atlas.Developmental Cell.56(4):399-400.
3.Xu S.L., Zheng Y.C., Liu Y., Guo X.H., Tan Y.Y., Shu Q.Y., Huang J.Z. (2019). Identification of a major quantitative trait locus and its candidate underlying genetic variation for rice stigma exsertion rate.Crop Journal.7(3):350-359.
4. Hong, L., Rusnak, B., Ko, C.S.;Xu, S., He, X., Qiu, D., Kang, S.E.; Pruneda-Paz, J.L. and Roeder A.H.K. (2023). Enhancer activation via TCP and HD-ZIP and repression by Dof transcription factors mediate giant cell-specific expression.Plant Cell.35: 2349-2368.
5. Qiu D.Y.,Xu S.L., Wang Y., Zhou M., Hong L.L. (2021) Primary Cell Wall Modifying Proteins Regulate Wall Mechanics to Steer Plant Morphogenesis.Frontiers In Plant Science
6. He X.,Xu S.L., Hong L.L. (2020) 3D morphological analysis of Arabidopsis sepals.Methods in Cell Biology. 160: 311-326
7. Liu S.M., Jiang J., Liu Y., Meng J.,Xu S.L., Tan Y.Y., Li Y.F., Shu Q.Y., Huang J.Z. (2019) Characterization and evaluation ofoslct1andosnramp5mutants generated through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis for breeding low cd rice.Rice Science. 26(2):88-97
8. Lu H.P., Liu S.M.,Xu S.L., Chen W.Y., Zhou X., Tan Y.Y., Huang J.Z., Shu Q.Y. (2017).CRISPR -S: an active interference element for a rapid and inexpensive selection of genome -edited, transgene-free rice plants.Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15(10): 1-3