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肖力宏,博士,校特聘教授,硕士研究生导师。长期从事资源植物和重要经济林木基因组和功能基因组学研究,参与完成10种资源植物全基因组序列解析。重点运用基因组和多组学分析、GWAS、群体遗传学分析等挖掘特色经济林果(山核桃属)和资源植物中调控重要营养成分积累、抗病性和逆境应答等关键调控基因,深入解析其分子功能并利用合成生物学和基因编辑技术等构建特色经济林果的高通量智能化“分子模块”育种平台。以模式植物小立碗藓、拟南芥、水稻等为辅助材料研究植物逆境应答分子机制及其在陆生植物中的进化。建立了小立碗藓多基因CRISPER敲除系统和纳米颗粒介导的林木植物超长时效瞬时表达体系。以第一作者和通讯作者在PNAS、Plant Cell & Environment、Plant Communications等国际高水平学术刊物发表研究论文14篇,以主要参与者在Cell、PNAS、Nature Communication、Cell Research等国际顶级学术期刊发表研究论文6篇。担任Nature Communication、Plant Physiology等多种国际学术期刊审稿专家。2023年起担任浙江省生物信息学学会第三届理事会理事。







2017/09—至今 浙江农林大学林业与生物技术学院校特聘教授



2012/03-2014/07美国密苏里大学农学院/USDA-ARS-PGRU合作研究,Melvin J Oliver教授团队








1. PpDT1介导的新型ABA信号级联调控小立碗藓极端干旱应答的分子机制,国家自然科学基金2020-2023(主持)








1. Deng K.#, Zhang Y.#, Lv S., Zhang C., Xiao L.*2025. Decoding Pecan's Fungal Foe: A Genomic Insight intoColletotrichum plurivorumisolate W-6.J. Fungi(ISSN 2309-608X) Accepted on 21 February 2025.

2. Lv S.#, Mo Y.#, Deng K., Wang H.#, Xie Z., Guo K., Wang Z., Zhang C.*,Xiao L.*2023. First report ofFusarium concentricumasa causal agent ofFusariumleaf blotch on pecan (Carya illinoinensis) in Southeast China.Plant Dis.doi:10.1094/PDIS-12-22-2810-PDN

3. Zhang Y.#, Liu Y.#, Ma L., Lv S., Zhang C.,Xiao L.*2023. First report ofColletotrichum plurivorumcausing anthracnose on pecan (Carya illinoinensis) in China.Plant Dis. doi:10.1094/PDIS-12-22-2774-PDN

4. Lv S.#, Zhang Y.#, Zhang C.*,Xiao L.*2023. First report ofCurvularia muehlenbeckiae, the causal agent ofCurvularialeaf spot on pecan (Carya illinoinensis) in China.Plant Dis. doi:10.1094/PDIS-07-22-1516-PDN

5. Xi J.#, Lv S.#, Zhang W.#, Zhang J.#,*, Wang K., Guo H., Hu J., Yang Y., Wang J., Xia G., Fan G., Wang X.,Xiao L.*2022. Comparative plastomes ofCaryaspecies provide new insights into the plastomes evolution and maternal phylogeny of the genus.Front. Plant Sci.13:990064. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.990064

6. Li X.#, Cao X.#, Li J., Niu Q., Mo Y.,Xiao L.*2022. Genome-wide characterization of C2H2 zinc-finger gene family provides insight into the mechanisms and evolution of the dehydration-rehydration responses inPhyscomitriumandArabidopsis.Front. Plant Sci.13:953459. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.953459

7.Xiao L.#, *, Yu M.#, Zhang Y.#, Hu J., Wang J., Guo H., Zhang H., Guo X., Deng T., Lv S., Li X., Huang J., Fan G.*2021. Chromosome-scale assembly reveals the asymmetric paleo-subgenomes evolution and targets for accelerating fungal resistance breeding in nut crop, pecan.Plant Communications2(6):100247. doi:10.1016/j.xplc.2021.100247

8. Huang Y.#,Xiao L.#,*, Zhang Z., Zhang R., Wang Z., Huang C., Huang R., Luan Y., Fan T., Wang J., Shen C., Zhang S., Wang X., Randall J., Zheng B., Wu J., Zhang Q., Xia G., Xu C., Chen M., Zhang L., Jiang W., Gao L., Chen Z., Leslie C. A., Grauke L. J., Huang J.*2019. The genomes of pecan and Chinese hickory provide insights intoCaryaevolution and nut nutrition. GigaScience8(5):1-17. doi:10.1093/gigascience/giz036

9.Xiao L.*, Yobi A., Koster L. K., He Y., Oliver M. J. 2018. Desiccation tolerance inPhyscomitrella patens: Rate of dehydration and the involvement of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA).Plant, Cell & Environment41(2): 275-284. doi:10.1111/pce.13096

10.Xiao L., Yang G., Zhang L., Yang L., Zhao S., Ji Z., Zhou Q., Hu M., Wang Y., Chen M., Xu Y., Jin H., Xiao X., Hu G., Bao F., Hu Y., Wan P., Li L., Deng X., Kuang T., Xiang C., Zhu J-K.*, Oliver M. J.*, He Y.* 2015. The resurrection genome ofBoea hygrometrica: a blueprint for survival of dehydration.P Natl. Acad. Sci. USA112(18):5833-5837. doi:10.1073/pnas.1505811112

11.Xiao L., Li Z., Wang R., Wang Y-Z.* 2012. Population differentiation and phylogeographic pattern of a relict species,Conandron ramondioides(Gesneriaceae), revealed from sequence polymorphism and haplotypes of theCYCLOIDEAgene.Journal of Systematics and Evolution50(1):45-57. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2011.00166.x

12.Xiao L., Zhang L., Yang G., Zhu H., He Y.* 2012. Transcriptome of Protoplasts Reprogrammed into Stem Cells inPhyscomitrella patens.PLoS One7(4): e35961. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035961

13.Xiao L., Wang H., Wan P., Kuang T., He Y.* 2011. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of gametophyte development inPhyscomitrella patens.BMC Plant Biology11(1):177. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-11-177

14.Xiao L., Wang Y-Z.* 2007. Single nucleotide polymorphisms ofGCYC1(CYCLOIDEA) in Conandron ramondioides(Gesneriaceae) from Southeast China.Plant Systematics and Evolution269:145-157. doi:10.1007/s00606-007-0592-4


15. Hu R#., Li X#., Hu Y., Zhang R., Lv Q., Sheng X., Zhao F., Chen Z., Ding Y., Yuan H., Wu X., Xing S., Yan X., Bao F., Wan P.,Xiao L., Wang X., Decker E., van Gessel N., Renault H., Wiedemann G., Horst N.A., Hass F.B., Wihelmsson P.K.I., Ullrich K.K., Neumann E., Lv B., Liang C., Du H., Gao Q., Cheng Z., You H., Xin P., Chu J., Huang C.-H., Liu Y., Dong S. Zhang L., Chen F., Deng L., Duan F., Zhao W., Li K., Li Z., Li X.,, Cui H., Zhang Y.E., Ma C., Zhu R., Jia Y., Wang M., Hasebe M., Fu J., Goffinet B., Ma H., Rensing S., Reske R*., He *Y.2023. Adaptive evolution of the enigmatic Takakia now facing climate change in Tibet.Cell, 186, 3558-3576.

16. Miao C.,Xiao L., Hua K., Zou C., Zhao Y., Ray A., Bressan R.A., Zhu J-K.*. 2018. Mutations in a subfamily of abscisic acid receptor genes promote rice growth and productivity.P Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,115(23): 6058-6063. doi:10.1073/pnas.1804774115

17. Zou C., Chen A.,Xiao L., Muller H. M., Ache P., Haberer G., Zhang M., Jia W., Deng P., Huang R., Lang D., Li F., Zhan D., Wu W., Zhang H., Bohm J., Liu R., Shabala S., Hedrich R.*, Zhu J-K.*, Zhang H.*. 2017. A high-quality genome assembly of quinoa provides insights into the molecular basis of salt bladder-based salinity tolerance and the exceptional nutritional value.Cell Research27(11): 1327-1340. doi:10.1038/cr.2017.124

18. Hu R.,Xiao L., Bao F., Li X. He Y.* 2016. Dehydration-responsive features ofAtrichum undulatum.Journal of Plant Research129 (5): 945-954. doi:10.1007/s10265-016-0836-x

19. Zou C., Li L., Miki D., Li D., Tang Q.,Xiao L., Rajput S., Deng P., Peng L., Jia W., Huang R., Zhang M., Sun Y., Hu J., Fu X., Schnable P. S., Chang C., Li F., Zhang H., Feng B., Zhu X., Liu R., Schnable J.C., Zhu J.-K.* Zhang H.* 2019. The genome of broomcorn millet.Nature Communication10:436. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-08409-5

20. Bai S., Li M, Yao T., Wang H., Zhang Y.,Xiao L., Wang J., Zhang Z., Hu Y., Liu W., He Y.* 2012. Nitric Oxide Restraint Root Growth by DNA Damage Induced Cell Cycle Arrest in Arabidopsis thaliana.Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry26(1):54-60. doi:10.1016/j.niox.2011.12.001


美国山核桃CiIGLR3.6-4和CiIGLR3.6-5基因及其应用(ZL 2021 1 0902687.8;发明人,排名:1/3)














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