2010-2012:英国剑桥大学植物科学系(University of Cambridge, Department of Plant Sciences),剑桥大学-浙江大学联合培养博士研究生(Joint-Training PhD Student);
1.环式电子传递(Cyclic Electron Flow around PSI, CEF)与植物逆境适应性分子机制

微生物产生的挥发性化合物(Microorganisms produce volatile compounds,VCs)分子质量小于300Da,这些VCs能促进植物生长和光合作用。最近,我们的研究表明,除CO2外,小于45Da的小VCs是植物对真菌挥发性排放反应的主要决定因素。然而,参与植物对小型微生物VCs反应的调控机制尚不清楚。此外,我们发现VCs也能影响拟南芥淀粉合成突变体的淀粉合成代谢。我们将使用模式植物作为研究对象,揭示其调控植物生长、淀粉合成代谢的分子机制。

8. NDH复合体介导的环式电子传递在作物抗盐中的作用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31171462,2012/01-2015/12,51万元,主要参与NDH复合体在大豆耐盐中作用的研究,分析NDH复合体介导的环式电子传递与大豆耐盐之间的关系。
发表论文(**Corresponding author, *Co-first author):
16. SY Fu, T Yun, DX Ma, BS Zheng, DA Jiang,Y He**. (2021) Thylakoid transit peptide is related to the expression and localization of NdhB subunits in soybean.Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany90(1):99-110.
15. ZW Wu, JF Wang, DL Yan, HW Yuan, Y Wang, Y He, XF Wang, Z Li, JQ Mei, MY Hu, TT Zhou, SL Chong**, BS Zheng**. (2020) Exogenous spermidine improves salt tolerance of pecan‑grafted seedlings via activating antioxidant system and inhibiting the enhancement of Na+/K+ratio.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum42(5):83.
14. Y Yang*, XT Xie*, SC Tao, KY Zhou, YX Yu, Z Lu, DA Jiang, BS Zheng**,Y He**. (2020) Plasmodesmata play a critical role in promoting the germination of floral buds inIlex verticillata.Plant Growth Regulation91(3):349-357.
13.Y He**, K Zhou, Z Wu, B Li, J Fu, C Lin**, D Jiang. (2019) Highly efficient nanoscale analysis of plant stomata and cell surface using polyaddition silicone rubber.Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1569.
12. H Yuan*, J Chen*, Y Yang, C Shen, D Xu, J Wang, D Yan,Y He, B Zheng**. (2019) Quantitative succinyl-proteome profiling of Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis) during the grafting process.BMC Plant Biology19(1):467.
11. JB Su, LY Yang, QK Zhu, HJ Wu,Y He, YD Liu, J Xu, DA Jiang, SQ Zhang**. (2018) Active photosynthetic inhibition mediated by MPK3/MPK6 is critical to effector-triggered immunity.PLOS Biology16(5): e2004122.
10. HM Chen, C Zhang, HP Guo, YM Hu,Y He, DA Jiang**. (2018) Overexpression of aMiscanthus sacchariflorusyellow stripe-like transporterMsYSL1enhances resistance of Arabidopsis to cadmium by mediating metal ion reallocation.Plant Growth Regulation85(1):101-111.
9. HW Yuan, L Zhao, JJ Chen, Y Yang, DB Xu, SC Tao, S Zheng, YR Shen,Y He, CJ Shen, DJ Yan, BS Zheng**. (2018) Identification and expression profiling of the Aux/IAA gene family in Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) during the grafting process.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry127: 55-63.
Before 2017:
8. YX Xu, MZ Xiao, Y Liu, JL Fu,Y He, DA Jiang**. (2017) The small auxin-up RNA OsSAUR45affects auxin synthesis and transport in rice.Plant Molecular Biology94 (1):97-107.
7. C Yang*, HT Hu*, HY Ren*, YZ Kong, HW Lin, LL Wang,Y He, XM Ding, M Grabsztunowicz, P Mulo, Y Liu, ZC Wu, YR Wu, CZ Mao, P Wu, XR Mo**. (2016) LIR1 regulates light-dependent attachment of LFNR to the thylakoid membrane in plants.The Plant Cell28:712-728.
6.Y He, Y Chen, CL Yu, KX Lu, QS Jiang, JL Fu, GM Wang, DA Jiang**. (2016) Photosynthesis and yield trait in different soybean lines in response to salt stress.Photosynthetica54 (4):630-635.
5.Y He, JL Fu, CL Yu, XM Wang, QS Jiang, J Hong, KX Lu, GP Xue, CQ Yan, A James, LG Xu, JP Chen, DA Jiang**. (2015) Increasing cyclic electron flow is related to Na+sequestration into vacuoles for salt tolerance in soybean.Journal of Experimental Botany66(21):6877-6889.
4. Y Chen, XM Wang, L Zhou,Y He, D Wang, YH Qi, DA Jiang**. (2015) Rubisco activase is also a multiple responder to abiotic stresses in rice.PLOS One10(10):E0140934.
3.Y He, CL Yu, L Zhou, Y Chen, A Liu, JH Jin, J Hong, YH Qi, DA Jiang**. (2014) Rubisco decrease is involved in chloroplast protrusion and Rubisco-containing body formation in soybean (Glycine max.) under salt stress.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry74:118-124.(ESI高被引论文;引用Top 5%)
2. KX Lu, BH Cao,Y He, DA Jiang**. (2009) Photosynthetic response of salt-tolerant and sensitive soybean varieties.Photosynthetica47(3):381-387.
1. KX Lu, Y Yang,Y He, DA Jiang**. (2008) Induction of cyclic electron flow around PSI and state transition are correlated with salt tolerance in soybean.Photosynthetica46(1):10-16.
何漪、蒋德安、林金和、吴喆敏、李伯休、Judy Jernstedt。一种获得植物叶片表面结构模型的方法(国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510071346.5)
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