2023.1-至今 浙江农林大学,林木遗传育种学科,副教授
2022.9-2023.8 国家林业和草原局科技司挂职锻炼
2017.7-2022.12 浙江农林大学,林木遗传育种学科,讲师
2014.9-2016.8 Department of Plant Biology, University of California, Davis, USA US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station 联合培养博士生
2010.9-2017.6 北京林业大学,植物学,博士
2006.9-2010.6 北京林业大学,生物科学专业,学士
1. 农业部科技创新重大项目子课题“黄淮地区胶合板材优质高产杨树新材料创制”,2023-2025,60万,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“闽楠转录因子PbWRKY65参与倍半萜合成响应干旱胁迫的分子机制”,2022-2024,30万,主持。
3. 浙江省农业(林木新品种选育)新品种选育重大科技专项“高档家具用材树种新品种选育”子课题“高档家具用材树种高效繁育技术研发”,2021-2025,90万,主持。
4. 国家林业和草原局软科学研究项目“南方珍贵用材林提质增效线路图及其政策支持研究”,2023-2024,5万,主持。
5. 浙江省自然科学青年基金“杨树OFP转录因子参与维管组织生长发育调控网络的研究”,2019-2021,10万,主持。
6. 浙江农林大学科研发展基金“闽楠PbWRKY61转录因子参与干旱响应的调控作用”,2022-2023,5万,主持。
7. 浙江农林大学科研发展基金“光皮桦TALE转录因子在维管组织发育中的作用”,2018-2020,5万,主持。
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“闽楠种群生态适应性基因组学基础与未来气候下的种质保育”,2022-2025,58万,参与。
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“光皮桦miR169a-BlNFYA2调控氮素吸收的分子机制”,2020-2023,58万,参与。
10. 浙江省重点研发计划项目“特色经济林木种质资源数字化利用技术体系构建”,2021-2023,295万,参与。
New Phytologist、Plant, Cell & Environment、Industrial CropsandProducts、BMC Genomics和Frontiers in Genetics杂志审稿人。
1. Han X#, Zhang J#, Han S, Chong SL, Meng G, Song M, Wang Y, Zhou S, Liu C, Lou L, Lou X, Cheng L, Lin E, Huang H, Yang Q*, Tong Z*(2022) The chromosome-scale genome ofPhoebe bourneireveals contrasting fates of terpene synthase (TPS)-a and TPS-b subfamilies.Plant Communications3: 100410.
2. Han X, An Y, Zhou Y, Liu C, Yin W*, Xia X*(2020) Comparative transcriptome analyses define genes and gene modules differing between twoPopulusgenotypes with contrasting stem growth rates.Biotechnology for Biofuels13: 139.
3. Han X#, Tang S#, An Y, Zheng D, Xia X*, Yin W* (2013) Overexpression of the poplarNF-YB7transcription factor confers drought tolerance and improves water-use efficiency inArabidopsis.Journal of Experimental Botany64:4589-4601.
4. Liu J#,Han X#, Yang T, Cui W, Wu A, Fu C, Wang B, Liu L* (2019) Genome-wide transcriptional adaptation to salt stress inPopulus.BMC Plant Biology19:367.
5. Yu J#, Yin K#, Liu Y, Li Y, Zhang J,Han X*, Tong Z* (2023). Co-expression network analysis reveals PbTGA4 and PbAPRR2 as core transcription factors of drought response in an important timber speciesPhoebe bournei.Frontiers in Plant Science14: 1297235
6. Zhang Y, Li Q, Sen M,Han X*, Wang X*, Zhou Y*(2022) An electric signal conduction characterization model (ESCCM) for establishing an effective poplar regenerative system.Forests13: 0.
7. An Y, Geng Y, Liu Y,Han X, Huang L, Zeng W, Zhang J, Lu M (2023). The glutamate receptor geneGLR3.3: a bridge of calcium-mediated root development in poplar.Horticultural Plant Journal
8. Fu N, Wang L,Han X, Yang Q, Zhang Y, Tong Z, Zhang J (2023). Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of calmodulin and calmodulin-like genes, revealing CaM3 and CML13 participating in drought stress inPhoebe bournei.International Journal of Molecular Sciences25: 0
9. Song M#, Wang L#, Zhang Y#, Wang Q,Han X, Yang Q, Zhang J*, Tong Z*(2023). Temporospatial pattern of flavonoid metabolites and potential regulatory pathway ofPbMYB211-coordinated kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside biosynthesis inPhoebe bournei.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry202: 107913.
10. Wang L#, Wang Q#, Fu N, Song M,Han X, Yang Q, Zhang Y, Tong Z*, Zhang J*(2023) Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside contributes to leaf color change by regulating two bHLH transcription factors inPhoebe bournei.International Journal of Molecular Sciences24: 0.
11. Zhang M, Chen X, Lou X, Zhang Y,Han X, Yang Q, Tong Z*, Zhang J*(2023) Identification ofWUSCHEL-related homeobox (WOX) gene family members and determination of their expression profiles during somatic embryogenesis inPhoebe bournei.Forestry Research3: 0.
12. Lin Y#, Chu S#, Xu X,Han X, Huang H, Tong Z*, Zhang J*(2022) Identification of nitrogen starvation-responsive miRNAs to reveal the miRNA-mediated regulatory network inBetula luminifera.Frontiers in Genetics13: 957505.
13. Zhuang H#, Chong S#, Priyanka B,Han X, Lin E, Tong Z, Huang H*(2021) Full-length transcriptomic identification of R2R3-MYB family genes related to secondary cell wall development inCunninghamia lanceolata(Chinese fir).BMC Plant Biology21: 581.
14. Zhang Y, Lin S, Zhou Y, Wen J, Kang X,Han X, Liu C, Yin W, Xia X*(2021)PdNF-YB21positively regulated root lignin structure in poplar.Industrial Crops and Products168: 0.
15. Cheng L#, Wu F#, Lin Y#,Han X, Xu X, Zhang Y, Yang Q, Huang H, Tong Z*, Zhang J*(2021) A miR169c-NFYA10module confers tolerance to low-nitrogen stress toBetula luminifera.Industrial Crops and Products172: 0.
16. Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Wang X,Han X, An Y, Lin S, Shen C, Wen J, Liu C, Yin W, Xia X*(2020) Root-specific NF-Y family transcription factor,PdNF-YB21, positively regulates root growth and drought resistance by abscisic acid-mediated indoylacetic acid transport inPopulus.New Phytologist227: 407-426.
17. Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Zhang D, Tang X, Li Z, Shen C,Han X, Deng W, Yin W, Xia X*(2020)PtrWRKY75overexpression reduces stomatal aperture and improves drought tolerance by salicylic acid-induced reactive oxygen species accumulation in poplar.Environmental and Experimental Botany176: 0.
18. Xu W, Zhang M, Wang C, Lou X,Han X, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Tong Z*(2020) Somatic embryo induction andAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of embryonic callus tissue inPhoebe bournei, an endangered woody species in Lauraceae.Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca48: 572-587.
19. An Y#, Zhou Y#,Han X, Shen C, Wang S, Liu C, Yin W, Xia X* (2020) The GATA transcription factor GNC plays an important role in photosynthesis and growth in poplar.Journal of Experimental Botany71:1969-1984.
20. Zhao Y, Liang H, Li L, Tang S,Han X, Wang C, Xia X*, Yin W* (2015) Digital gene expression analysis of male and female bud transition inMetasequoiareveals high activity of MADS-box transcription factors and hormone-mediated sugar pathways.Frontiers in Plant Science6:467.
21. Tang S, Dong Y, Liang D, Zhang Z, Ye C, Shuai P,Han X, Zhao Y, Yin W*, Xia X* (2015) Analysis of the drought stress-responsive transcriptome of Black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) using deep RNA sequencing.Plant Molecular Biology Reporter33:424-438.
22. Dong Y, Wang C,Han X, Tang S, Liu S, Xia X*, Yin W* (2014) A novel bHLH transcription factor PebHLH35 fromPopulus euphraticaconfers drought tolerance through regulating stomatal development, photosynthesis and growth inArabidopsis.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications450:453-458.
23. An Y,Han X, Tang S, Xia X*, Yin W (2014) Poplar GATA transcription factorPdGNCis capable of regulating chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthesis, and vegetative growth inArabidopsisunder varying nitrogen levels.Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture119:313-327.
24. Zheng D,Han X, An Y, Guo H, Xia X*, Yin W* (2013) The nitrate transporter NRT2.1 functions in the ethylene response to nitrate deficiency inArabidopsis.Plant, Cell & Environment36:1328-1337.
25. Zhang H#, Lv F#,Han X, Xia X*, Yin W* (2013) The calcium sensor PeCBL1, interacting with PeCIPK24/25 and PeCIPK26, regulates Na (+)/K (+) homeostasis inPopulus euphratica.Plant Cell Reports32:611-621.
26. Tang S, Liang H, Yan D, Zhao Y,Han X, Carlson JE, Xia X*, Yin W* (2013)Populus euphratica: the transcriptomic response to drought stress.Plant Molecular Biology83:539-557.
27. 韩双,韩潇*,李翼贝,张毓婷,张俊红,童再康(2022)闽楠NF-Y基因家族鉴定及其响应干旱胁迫的表达分析.农业生物技术学报30: 1112-1127.