(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 32371920,油菜素内酯通过CiBEH1调控薄壳山核桃耐盐性的分子机理, 2024-01-01至2027-12-31, 50万元,在研,主持
(2)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 32101557,单宁酶调控山核桃种皮水解单宁积累的分子机理, 2022-01-01至2024-12-31, 30万元,在研,主持
(3)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 32170342,植物特有蛋白BRAF调控胞吞途径参与免疫应答的分子机制, 2022-01-01至2025-12-31, 58万元,在研,参与
(4)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 31970181,植物ESCRT组分AtBRO1调控可溶性液泡蛋白运输参与种子发育的分子机制, 2020-01-01至2023-12-31, 58万元,在研,参与
1. Jiang CY#, Wang S#, Wang YH, Wang KT, Huang CY, Gao F, Hu HP, Deng YY, Zhang W, Zheng J, Huang JQ*,Li Y*, Polyphenols from hickory nut reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis in mice by improving intestinal microbiota and inhibiting trimethylamine N-oxide production, Phytomedicine, 2024, 155349.
2. Zhao YR#, Wang HY#, Xu YF#, Wang KT, Huang CY, Deng YY, Huang JQ*,Li Y*,Characteristic analysis of BZR genes family and their responses to hormone treatments and abiotic stresses in Carya illinoinensis, Plant Science, 2024, 341:111990
3. Wang YG#, Ye HY#, Wang KT, Huang CY, Si XL, Wang JH, Xu YF, Huang YJ, Huang JQ*,Li Y*. CcMYB12 positively regulates flavonoid accumulation during fruit development in Carya cathayensis and has a role in abiotic stress responses. Int J Mol Sci. 2022. 23(24):15618.
4. Wang HY#, He TJ#, Huang CY, Wang KT, Shi DS, Si XL, Xu YF, Lyu SH, Huang JQ*,Li Y*. Genome-wide identification of KCS gene family in Carya illinoinensis and their roles under abiotic stress conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 321: 112343
5. Huang CY§,Li Y§*, Wang KT, Xi JW, Wang HY, Zhu DM, Jiang CY, Si XL, Shi DS, Wang S, Li XB, Huang JQ*. WRINKLED1 Positively Regulates Oil Biosynthesis in Carya cathayensis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2023, 71 (17), 6763-6774
6.Li Y#, Wang JH#, Wang KT#*, Lyu SH, Ren, LY, Huang CY, Pei D, Xing YL, Wang YG, Xu YF, Li PP, Xi JW, Si XL, Ye HY, Huang JQ*Comparison analysis of widely-targeted metabolomics revealed the variation of potential astringent ingredients and their dynamic accumulation in the seed coats of both Carya cathayensis and Carya illinoinensis. Food Chemistry, 2022, 131688.
7. Huang CY#,Li Y#*, Wang KT#, Xi JW, Xu YF, Si XL, Pei D, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Ye HY, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ*. Analysis of lipidomics profile of Carya cathayensis nuts and lipid dynamic changes during embryonic development [J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 130975.
8. Huang CY#,Li Y#*, Wang KT#, Xi JW, Xu YF, Hong JY, Si XL, Ye HY, Lyu SH, Xia GH, Wang JH, Li PP, Xing YL, Wang YG, Huang JQ*. Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis of developing embryo revealed the mechanisms underlying the high levels of oil accumulation in Carya cathayensis Sarg[J]. Tree Physiology, 2021, 42, 684–702
9. Wang JH#, Wang KT#*, Lyu SH, Huang JQ, Huang CY, Xing YL, Wang YG, Xu YF, Li PP, Hong JY, Xi JW, Si XL, Ye HY,Li Y*. Genome-Wide Identification of Tannase Genes and Their Function of Wound Response and Astringent Substances Accumulation in Juglandaceae[J]. Front Plant Sci, 2021, 17;12:664470.
10. Xing YL#, Wang KT*#, Huang CY, Huang JQ, Zhao YZ, Si XL andLi Y*Global Transcriptome Analysis Revealed the Molecular Regulation Mechanism of Pigment and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism During the Stigma Development of Carya cathayensis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:881394
11. Li PP#, Xu YF#, Wang KT#*, Guo WL, Gu YJ, Lyu SH, Huang JQ, Lin HP, Huang CY, Xu Z and YanLi Y*. Genome-wide identification of TLP gene family and their roles in Carya cathayensis Sarg in response to Botryosphaeria dothidea.[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:849043
12. 赵艺蕊,黄春颖,王克涛,徐一帆,王建华,邢语琳,陶瞫宸,黄坚钦,李岩*山核桃实时荧光定量PCR分析中内参基因的筛选与验证,果树学报, 2022, 39(1): 10-21(指导本科生发表,A刊)
13. 洪俊彦,黄仁,黄春颖,王建华,徐一帆,李佩佩,胡渊渊,黄坚钦,李岩*.植物花粉直感的研究进展及展望,植物生理学报, 2020, 56(2): 151-162.
14.Li Y,Xu SS, Wang ZW, He LC, Xu K, and Wang GX* (2018). Glucose triggers stomatal closure mediated by basal signaling through HXK1 and PYR/RCAR receptors in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 1471-1484. (IF=5.830, first author)
15.李岩,徐珊珊*,王根轩(2018)气孔发育机制及其内外调控因子的研究进展. 生命科学, 30(5): 491-499
16.Li Y, Xu SS, Wang ZW, Xu K, He LC, and Wang GX*. Chlorella induces stomatal closure mediated by basal ABA signaling, nitrate reductase and CDPK6 in Arabidopsis. Submited to the Plant Journal (rejected and resubmission).
17.Li Y, Xu SS, Gao J, Pan S, Wang GX*(2016a). Glucose-and mannose-induced stomatal closure is mediated by ROS production, Ca2+and water channel in Vicia faba. Physiologia Plantarum 156: 252-261. (IF=3.52, first author)
18.Li Y, Xu SS, Gao J, Pan S, Wang GX*(2016b). Bacillus subtilis-regulation of stomatal movement and instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. Plant Growth Regulation 78:43-55.(IF=2.646, first author)
19.Li Y,Xu SS, Gao J, Pan S, Wang GX* (2014). Chlorella induces stomatal closure via NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS production and its effects on instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. PLoS One 9:e93290.(IF=3.234, first author)
20.Li Y, Xu SS, Gao J, Pan S, Wang GX* (2014) Chlorella triggers stomatal closure mediated by NADPH oxidase and improves instantaneous water use efficiency in Vicia faba. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9:e29078.( SCIE, first author)
21. Luo J, Wang X, Feng L,Li Y,He J-X* (2017). The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 9 (MKK9) modulates nitrogen acquisition and anthocyanin accumulation under nitrogen-limiting condition in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 487: 539-544. (IF=2.46, Co-authored SCI)
22. Pan S, Zhang W, Zhao M,Li Y,Xu S and Wang G* (2015). Altitude patterns of leaf carbon isotope composition in a subtropical monsoon forest. Polish Journal of Ecology 63:512-522. (IF=0.5, Co-authored SCI)
23. Xu SS,Li Y, Wang GX* (2014) Scaling relationships between leaf mass and total plant mass across Chinese forests. PloS One 9:e95938. (IF=3.234, Co-authored SCI)
24. Gao J, Wang N,Li Y, Wang Y and Wang GX* (2014) Influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on gas exchange and yield attributes in rice under drought conditions. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 30:52-61. (IF=0.681, Co-authored SCI).
25. Gao J, Wang N, Xu SS,Li Y, Wang Y, Wang GX* (2013) Exogenous application of trehalose induced H2O2production and stomatal closure in Vicia faba. Biologia Plantarum 57: 380-384.(IF=1.849, Co-authored SCI)
26. Pan S, Liu C, Zhang WP, Xu SS, Wang N,Li Y, Gao J, Wang Y, Wang GX* (2013) The scaling relationships between leaf mass and leaf area of vascular plant species change with altitude. PloS One 8: e76872. (IF=3.234, Co-authored SCI)
27. Xu SS, Peng Z,Li Y, Pan S, Wang N, Wang GX* (2013). Abiotic and Biotic Factors Affecting Plant Mass-Density Relationship in Self-Thinning Populations. Life Science Journal 10:1671-1677. (Co-authored non-SCI)
28. Xu SS, Wang N, Gao J,Li Y, Wang GX* (2013). Sensitivity to Abscisic Acid Alters Plant Allometry and Above-Ground Biomass-Density Relationships in Arabidopsis Populations under Drought Stress. Life Science Journal 10:1729-1735. (Co-authored non-SCI)
29.Li Y,Xu SS, Gao J, Wang GX* (2011). Research Advances and Prospects of Stomata Immunity. Plant Physiology Journal 47:765-770.(non-SCI, first author)
30. 黄坚钦,李岩,郇伟伟,吕恃衡,何腾捷,王克涛.一种基于固定酶的山核桃加工装置及其加工工艺[P]. ZL 2021 1 1560575.5
31. 王根轩*,李岩,高静,徐珊珊.基于气孔感应小球藻闭合的免疫蒸腾抑制剂的制备方法[P].CN201210085665.8.浙江大学.(授权)
32. 王根轩*,李岩,王智威,何令超.基于螺旋藻诱导气孔免疫闭合的蒸腾抑制剂的制备方法 [P].CN 2014103266115浙江大学.(授权)