2020.09-至今 浙江农林大学,林业与生物技术学院,讲师
2019.04-2020.08 浙江省农业科学院,装备研究所,助理研究员
2015.10-2019.03 浙江省农业科学院,蔬菜研究所,助理研究员
2010.09-2015.06 浙江大学,博士
2006.09-2010.06 宁波大学,学士
1.Yu C, Wu Q, Sun C, Tang M, Sun J, andZhanY(2019). The Phosphoproteomic Response of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Seedlings to Salt Stress. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 20.(IF5year=4.653, First author)
2.Yu C, Zhan Y, Feng X, Huang Z-A, Sun C (2017). Identification and Expression Profiling of the Auxin Response Factors in Capsicum annuum L. under Abiotic Stress and Hormone Treatments. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 18.(IF5year=4.653, First author)
3.Yu C, Dong W, Zhan Y, Huang Z-a, Li Z, et al (2017). Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of CILAX, CIPIN and CIABCB genes families in Citrullus lanatus under various abiotic stresses and grafting. Bmc Genetics 18.(IF5year=2.917, First author)
4.Yu C,Sun C., Shen C., Wang S., Liu F., Liu Y., Chen Y., LiC., Qian Q., Bibek A., Markus G.,Jiang D*.andQi Y*(2015). The auxin transporter, OsAUX1,is involved inprimary root and root hair elongationand inCd stressresponsesin rice (Oryza sativaL.).Plant J.3. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12929.(IF5-year=6.467,First author)
5.Zhan Y, Wu Q, Chen Y, Tang M, Sun C,Sun, JandYu, C*(2019). Comparative proteomic analysis of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) seedlings under salt stress. BMC Genomics 20.(IF5year=4.093, Correspondence author )
6.Wang M, Qiao J,Yu C, Chen H, Sun C, et al (2019). The auxin influx carrier, OsAUX3, regulates rice root development and responses to aluminium stress. Plant Cell And Environment 42: 1125-1138.(IF= 5.624,Co-first author)
7.Zhang C, Dong W, Gen W, Xu B, Shen C, andYu C* (2018). De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Characterization of the Synthesis Genes of Bioactive Constituents in Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Genes 9. (IF=3.822, Correspondence author )
8.Zhang, C.; Xu, B.; Geng, W.; Shen, Y.; Xuan, D.; Lai, Q.; Shen, C.; Jin, C.;Yu, C*. (2019) Comparative proteomic analysis of pepper (capsicum annuum l.) seedlings under selenium stress. PeerJ, 7, e8020. (IF5year=2.81, Correspondence author )
9.Zhang C, Dong W, Huang Z-a, Cho M, Yu Q,Wu CandYu C*(2018). Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the CaLAX and CaPIN gene families in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under various abiotic stresses and hormone treatments. Genome 61: 121-130. (IF=2.152, Correspondence author )
10.Zhang, C.; Xu, B.; Zhao, C.R.; Sun, J.; Lai, Q.*;Yu, C*(2019). Comparative de novo transcriptomics and untargeted metabolomic analyses elucidate complicated mechanisms regulating celery (apium graveolens l.) responses to selenium stimuli. Plos One, 14, e0226752.(IF5year=3.337 , Correspondence author )
11.Zhan Y, Qu Y, Zhu L, Shen C, Feng X*,Yu C*(2018). Transcriptome analysis of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) shoots reveals a crosstalk between auxin and strigolactone. Plos One 13. (IF5year=3.337, Correspondence author )
12.Zhan Y, Zhang C, Zheng Q, Huang Z*,Yu C*(2017).Cadmium stress inhibits the growth of primary roots by interfering auxin homeostasis in Sorghum bicolor seedlings. Journal Of Plant Biology 60: 593-603.(IF=1.254, Correspondence author)
13.俞晨良,张成浩,詹仪花, et al.高粱Pht1基因家族的鉴定及其进化和表达分析.浙江农业学报, 2017, 029(001):16-22.(第一作者)
14.俞晨良,董文其,张成浩.生长素运输载体研究进展.延边大学农学学报, 2016(4).(第一作者)
15.Feng X,Yu C, Shu Z, Liu X, Yan W, et al. (2018) Rapid and non-destructive measurement of biofuel pellet quality indices based on two-dimensional near infrared spectroscopic imaging. Fuel 228: 197-205.(IF=5.128, Second author)
16.Feng X,Yu C, Liu X, Chen Y, Zhen H, et al. (2018) Nondestructive and rapid determination of lignocellulose components of biofuel pellet using online hyperspectral imaging system. Biotechnology for Biofuels 11.(IF=5.452, Second author)
17.Feng X,Yu C, Chen Y, Peng J, Ye L, et al. (2018) Non-destructive Determination of Shikimic Acid Concentration in Transgenic Maize Exhibiting Glyphosate Tolerance Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Imaging. Frontiers In Plant Science 9.(IF=4.106, Second author)
18.Feng X, Zhan Y, Wang Q, Yang X,Yu C, Wang H, Tang Z, Jiang D, Peng C, He Y (2019) Hyperspectral imaging combined with machine learning as a tool to obtain high-throughput plant salt-stress phenotyping. The Plant journal. doi:10.1111/tpj.14597(IF5-year=6.467,Fifth author)
19.Nie P, Zhang J, Feng X,Yu C, He Y (2019) Classification of hybrid seeds using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging technology combined with deep learning. Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 296.(IF=6.393,Fourth author)
20.Hao J, Jiao K,Yu C, Guo H, Zhu Y, et al. (2018) Development of SCoT-Based SCAR Marker for Rapid Authentication of Taxus Media. Biochemical Genetics 56: 255-266. (IF=1.931,Third author)
21.Feng S, Zhu Y,Yu C, Jiao K, Jiang M, et al. (2018) Development of Species-Specific SCAR Markers, Based on a SCoT Analysis, to Authenticate Physalis (Solanaceae) Species. Frontiers In Genetics 9.(IF=3.517, Third author)
22.Yu C, Guo H, Zhang Y, Song Y, Pi E,Yu C,ZhangL, et al. (2017) Identification of potential genes that contributed to the variation in the taxoid contents between two Taxus species (Taxus media and Taxus mairei). Tree Physiology 37: 1659-1671.(IF=3.477, Sixth author)
23.He Y , Fu Jl,Yu CL, Wang X , Jiang QS, Hong J, Lu KX, Xue GP, Yan CQ, James A, XuLG, and Jiang DA. Increasing Cyclic Electron Flow is related to Na+ Sequestration into Vacuoles for Salt Tolerance in Soybean(accepted by J.Exp.Bot ).(IF5-year=6.312,Third author)
24.Zhang SN,Wang SK, Xu YX,Yu CL, Shen CJ, Qian Q, Geisler M, Jiang DA,Qi YH. The auxin response factor, OsARF19, controls rice leaf angles through positively regulating OsGH3-5 and OsBRI1. Plant, Cell Environ, 2015,38:638–654.(IF5-year=6.643,Fourth author)
25.He Y,Yu C, Zhou L, Chen Y, Liu A , Jin J, Hong J, Qi Y, Jiang D. Rubisco decrease is involved in chloroplast protrusion and Rubisco-containing body formation in soybean (Glycine max.) under salt stress. Plant Physiol Biochem,2014,74:118-124.(IF=2.352,Second author)
26.Wang SK, Zhang SNa, Sun CD, Xu YX, Chen Y,Yu CL, Qian Q, Jiang DA,Qi YH. Auxin response factor (OsARF12), a novel regulator for phosphate homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa),New Phytologist, 2014,201: 91–103.(IF= 6.373,Sixth author)
27.Chen Y, Jin JH, Jiang QS,Yu CL, Chen J, Xu LG, Jiang DA. Sodium bisulfite enhances photosynthesis in rice by inducing Rubisco activase gene expression. Photosynthetica, 2014, 52 (3): 475-478.(IF= 1.007,Fourth author)
28.Feng XP. Chen Y. Qi YH.Yu CL. Zheng BS. Brancourt-Hulmel M. Jiang DA. Nitrogen enhanced photosynthesis of Miscanthus by increasing stomatal conductance and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase concentration. Photosynthetica, 2012, 50: 577-586. (IF= 1.007, Fourth author)
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