1. 珍贵树种遗传改良与新品种选育。
2. miRNA在珍贵树种非生物胁迫的遗传调控研究。
3. 珍贵树种的栽培生理研究。
2021.12--- 浙江农林大学 林业与生物技术学院 教授
2016.12---2017.12 美国康奈尔大学访问学者
2014.12---2021.12浙江农林大学 林业与生物技术学院 副教授
2012.07---2014.12浙江农林大学 林业与生物技术学院 讲师
2009.09---2012.07中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 博士 林木遗传育种
2006.09---2009.06浙江林学院 林业与生物技术学院 硕士 林木遗传育种
2002.09---2006.06江西农业大学 园林与艺术学院 林学
1. 高档家具用材树种新品种选育,浙江省竹木育种重大专项,380万,2021-2025,主持。
1.Kai Ding, Yuting Zhang, Siyu Ge, Yiman Zhang, Meng Lu, Zhenming Shen, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.Long-term cover crop monocultures and mixtures improve soil multifunctionality and shift microbial communities and functions.European Journal of Agronomy, 2024, 157,127188.
2.Ningning Fu#, Li Wang#, Xiao Han, Qi Yang, Yuting Zhang, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Calmodulin and Calmodulin-like Genes, Revealing CaM3 and CML13 Participating in Drought Stress inPhoebe bournei.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25, 545.
3.Junhong Zhang#, Wenting Xu#, Shengcai Zhou, Qiyan Liu, Qi Yang, Zaikang Tong*.The response of different-aged saplings to light gradients reveals new insights into the light requirements of an endangered woody plant species,Phoebe chekiangensis.Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 2023, 1–11.
4.Miao Zhang, Xinyi Chen, Xiongzhen Lou, Yuting Zhang, Xiao Han, Qi Yang, Zaikang Tong*, Junhong Zhang*.Identification of WUSCHEL-related homeobox (WOX) gene family members and determination of their expression profiles during somatic embryogenesis inPhoebe bournei.Forestry Research, 2023,3:5.
5.Minyan Song#, Li Wang#, Yuting Zhang#, Qiguang Wang, Xiao Han, Qi Yang,Junhong Zhang*, Zaikang Tong*. Temporospatial pattern of flavonoid metabolites and potential regulatory pathway of PbMYB211-coordinated kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside biosynthesis inPhoebe bournei,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2023,107913.
6. Kai Ding#, Yuting Zhang#, Anna Yang, Yiman Zhang, Meng Lu, Siyu Ge, Yongbin Qiu,Junhong Zhang*, Zaikang Tong*. Understory vegetation restoration improves soil physicochemical properties, enzymatic activity, and changes diazotrophic communities in Cunninghamia lanceolataplantations but depends on site history.Plant and Soil, 2023, 492,605-623.
7.Kai Ding#, Yuting Zhang#, Haiyan Liu, Xiuxin Yang,Junhong Zhang*, Zaikang Tong*.Soil bacterial community structure and functions but not assembly processes are affected by the conversion from monospecificCunninghamia lanceolataplantations to mixed plantations,Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 185, 104775.
8.Li Wang#, Qiguang Wang#, Ningning Fu, Minyan Song, Xiao Han , Qi Yang, Yuting Zhang, Zaikang Tong *,Junhong Zhang*.Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside Contributes to Leaf Color Change by Regulating Two bHLH Transcription Factors inPhoebe bournei.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 3829.
9.Yue Pan#, Xiaoshan Xu#, Lei Li, Qinglin Sun, Qiguang Wang, Huahong Huang, Zaikang Tong* andJunhong Zhang*. Melatonin-mediated development and abiotic stress tolerance in plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 1100827.
10.Kai Ding#, Yuting Zhang#,Li Wang#,Siyu Ge, Yiman Zhang, Qi Yang, Huahong Huang, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.Forest conversion from pure to mixedCunninghamia lanceolata plantations enhances soil multifunctionality, stochastic processes, and stability of bacterial networks in subtropical southern China.Plant and Soil, 2023, 488,411-429.
11.Yang Wang#,Xiaohua Ma#, Yunfeng Lu, Xiange Hu,Luhuan Lou, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*. Assessing the current genetic structure of21 remnant populations and predicting the impacts of climate change on geographic distribution ofPhoebe sheareri in southern China.Science of the Total Environment, 2022,846:157391.
12.Xiao Han#,Junhong Zhang#, Shuang Han,Sun Li Chong, Guanliang Meng,Minyan Song,Yang Wang, Shengcai Zhou, Chengcheng Liu, Luhuan Lou,Xiongzhen Lou,Longjun Cheng,Erpei Lin,Huahong Huang, Qi Yang*,Zaikang Tong*.The chromosome-scale genome ofPhoebe bournei reveals contrasting fates of terpene synthase (TPS)-a and TPS-b subfamilies.Plant Communications, 2022,3, 100410.
13.Kai Ding#, Yuting Zhang#, Kim Yrjälä, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.The introduction ofPhoebe bournei intoCunninghamia lanceolata monoculture plantations increased microbial network complexity and shifted keystone taxa.Forest Ecology and Management, 2022,509,120072.
14. Yan Lin, Sasa Chu, Xiaoshan Xu, Xiao Han, Huahong Huang, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.Identification of Nitrogen Starvation-responsive miRNAs to reveal the miRNA-mediated regulatory network inBetula luminifera.Frontiers in Genetics, 2022,DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.957505.
15. Lili Cheng#, Fangmin Wu#, Yan Lin#, Xiao Han, Xiaoshan Xu, Yuting Zhang, Qi Yang, Huahong Huang, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.A miR169c-NFYA10 module confers tolerance to low-nitrogen stress to Betula luminifera.Industrial Crops & Products, 2021,113988.
16.Yuting Zhang, Kai Ding, Kim Yrjälä, Haiyan Liu, Zaikang Tong*,Junhong Zhang*.Introduction of broadleaf species into monospecific Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations changed the soil Acidobacteria subgroups composition and nitrogencycling gene abundances.Plant and Soil, 2021,467:29–46.
17. Junhong Zhang*, Yan Lin, Fangmin Wu, Yuting Zhang, Longjun Cheng,MenghuiHuang, Zaikang Tong*.Profiling of microRNAs and their Targets in Roots and Shoots Reveals a Potential miRNA-mediated Interaction Network in Response to Phosphate Deficiency in the Forestry TreeBetula luminifera.Frontiers in Genetics, 2021,12: 552454.
18. Yuting Zhang#,Junhong Zhang#, Minyan Song, Xinchun Lin, Zaikang Tong*, Mingquan Ding*.Comprehensive Analysis of FivePhyllostachys edulisSQUA-like Genes and Their Potential Functions in Flower Development.Int.J.Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 10868.
19.Junhong Zhang#, Yajun Zhu#,Ying Pan,Huahong Huang,Chunlong Li,Gaozhi Li,Zaikang Tong. Transcriptomic profiling and identification of candidate genes in two Phoebe bournei ecotypes with contrasting cold stress responses.Trees,2018,32: 1315–1333.
20.Ying Pan#, Mingyue Niu#, Junsheng Liang, Erpei Lin, Zaikang Tong,Junhong Zhang*. Identification of heat-responsive miRNAs to reveal the miRNA mediated regulatory network of heat stress response inBetula luminifera. Trees, 2017, 31(5):1635–1652.
21. Jun Wu,Junhong Zhang*,Ying Pan, Huahong Huang, Xiongzhen Lou, Zaikang Tong*. Identification and evaluation of reference genes for normalization in quantitative real-time PCR analysis in the premodel treeBetula luminifera. J. For. Res., 2017, 28(2): 273-282.
22. Junhong Zhang#, Menghui Huang#, Junsheng Liang, Ying Pan, Longjun Cheng, Jun Wu, Zaikang Tong*. Genome-wide mining for microRNAs and their targets inBetula luminifera using high-throughput sequencing and degradome analyses. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016, 12: 99.
23.Junhong Zhang, Jun Wu, Huahong Huang, Er’pei Lin, Longjun Cheng, Xiongzhen Lou, Zaikang Tong*. Mining for heat-stress responsive genes by large scale gene expression data fromBetula luminifera.Euphytica, 2016, 210:245-257.
24. Yajun Ding,Junhong Zhang*, Yunfeng Lu, Er'pei Lin, Luhuan Lou, Zaikang Tong*. Development of EST-SSR markers and analysis of genetic diversity in natural populations of endemic and endangered plantPhoebe chekiangensis.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,2015,63:183-189.
25. Junhong Zhang#, Shougong Zhang#, Shuigen Li, Suying Han, Wanfeng Li, Xinmin Li, Liwang Qi*. Regulation of synchronism by abscisic-acid-responsive small noncoding RNAs during somatic embryogenesis in larch (Larix leptolepis). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cul, 2014, 116:361–370.
26.Junhong Zhang#, Shougong Zhang#, Suying Han, Xinmin Li, Zaikang Tong, Liwang Qi*. Deciphering small noncoding RNAs during the transition from dormant embryo to germinated embryo in larches (Larix leptolepis). PLoS ONE,2013, 8(12): e81452.
27. Junhong Zhang#, Tao Wu#, Long Li, Suying Han, Xinmin Li, Shougong Zhang, and Liwang Qi*. Dynamic expression of small RNA populations in larch (Larix leptolepis). Planta, 2013, 237:89–101.
28.Junhong Zhang#, Shougong Zhang#, Shuigen Li, Suying Han, Tao Wu, Xinmin Li, Liwang Qi*. A genome-wide survey of microRNA truncation and 3′ nucleotide addition events in larch (Larix leptolepis). Planta, 2013, 237:1047-1056.
29.Junhong Zhang#, Shougong Zhang#, Suying Han, Tao Wu, Xinmin Li, Wanfeng Li and Liwang Qi*. Genome-wide identification of microRNAs in Japanese larch and stage-specific modulation of eleven conserved microRNAs and their targets during somatic embryogenesis. Planta, 2012, 236(2): 647-657.
30. 张俊红,王洋,周生财,吴小林,吴仁超,杨琪,张毓婷,童再康*.闽楠群体遗传结构分析与核心种质库构建.林业科学, 2024,60(1):68-79.
31. 李翼贝, 童再康, 韩双, 王立, 韩潇, 张毓婷, 杨琪, 黄华宏,张俊红*. 闽楠NRT/NPF基因家族鉴定与表达分析.农业生物技术学报, 2023,31(10): 2072-2086.
32. 褚洒洒, 范祥祯, 邱肇凯, 杨琪, 张毓婷, 王洋, 徐晓珊, 童再康, 张俊红*.楠属5种植物叶片的挥发性成分的测定.园艺学报, 2021, 48 (8) : 1552–1564.
33.程丽丽, 潘樱, 林艳, 林仕雄, 童再康, 张俊红*. 低氮胁迫对不同光皮桦基因型苗期生长及生理生化特征的影响. 核农学报, 2020,34(11): 2435-2443.
34. 潘樱,张仪平,朱敏慧,叶丰,林仕雄,黄蒙慧,童再康,张俊红*.光皮桦miR393及其靶基因在低氮胁迫中的表达分析.核农学报, 2017,31(10): 1921-1930.
35. 吴骏,张俊红(共同一作),黄蒙慧,朱敏慧,童再康*.光皮桦miR164及其靶基因NAC1在低氮胁迫中的表达分析.遗传,2016, 38(2): 155-162.
36. 张俊红,张守攻,齐力旺*,童再康*.植物成熟microRNA转录后修饰与降解的研究进展,植物学报,2014, 49 (4): 483–489.
37. 张俊红,张守攻,童再康,李万峰,韩素英,齐力旺*.植物中microRNA及其它非编码小RNA的保守性和进化历程,林业科学研究,2013,103-108.
38. 张俊红,张守攻,吴涛,韩素英,杨文华,齐力旺*.落叶松体胚发育中5个microRNA前体和成熟体的表达分析.植物学报,2012, 47(5):462-473.
39. 张俊红,张守攻,吴涛,韩素英,齐力旺*.落叶松体胚发育中12个针叶树特异microRNAs表达分析.林业科学研究,2012, 25(4):411-418.
40. 张俊红,黄华宏,童再康*,程龙军,梁跃龙.光皮桦6个南方天然群体的遗传多样性.生物多样性,2010,18(3):233-240.
1. 第5届朱之悌院士基金优秀青年科技奖,北京林业大学教育基金会,2021.12(1/1).
2.“楠木等5种珍贵树种种质资源保育与创新利用”,浙江省科技进步奖二等奖,浙江省科技厅, 2018.03 (4/9).
3.中国林科院2013年度优秀博士学位论文奖, 中国林科院, 2013.07(1/1).
4.第六届梁希青年论文奖三等奖, 中国林学会, 2016.08(1/1).
5.第五届梁希青年论文奖三等奖, 中国林学会, 2014.08(1/1).
6.第十届中国林业青年学术年会优秀论文奖, 中国林学会, 2012.09(1/6).